MWSA opposes Proposed Michigan House Bill


Recently a new Michigan House Bill has been proposed that would restrict towboat operation in certain conditions within our State.

The Michigan Water Ski Association is in full support of our boat dealerships and watersport enthusiasts in the unified opposition of House Bill 5532.  This is due to its potential impact on all towed water ski activities, and the possibility of further restrictions down the road.

Please find below links to the Bill itself, a Call to Action from Silver Spray Sports, and finally an email generator to write the Michigan House of Representatives directly with any personal concerns or comments on this legislative proposal.

Click here for the Proposed Bill:

Click here for the Call to Action from Silver Spray Sports

Click here for the Email Generator to write the Michigan House of Representatives

The MWSA would also like to remind you to always exercise good judgement and safe practices whenever operating a watercraft with or without skiers.  Maintaining ample distance between yourself and others (boats, docks, shore, et cetera) is key while enjoying our lakes and rivers.

Please find below a link to a great resource on responsible boating:

See you on the water,
