A Safety Clinic is being offered at Billy’s Puddle (3330 144th Ave, Dorr, MI) for those needing to maintain/reinstate their State Safety rating or pursue an initial Safety rating. The clinic is a two session format, with the sessions scheduled at 6:00PM on June 30, 2021 and July 7, 2021. Participants must attend both sessions to complete the clinic. Water rescue training will be included, so participants must bring a USCG life vest, swimwear, and towel. Wetsuits are optional, per participant preference.
Participants must be active AWSA members. The cost is $10. Participants are encouraged to complete their Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED certification before attending.
To register or obtain additional information, please contact Dan Van Dyk (dvan13172@gmail.com) or Kurt Rotman (Kurt@paramountsheetmetal.com).